Gender Specialist Consultancy – Gender Analysis – ReliefWeb – Kamwange & Kampala

JOBfrom Trickle Up

Closing date: 15 Feb 2018

Trickle Up is a key consortium partner for the AVSI-led, USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP)-funded Graduation Pilot – Graduating to Resilience – to be implemented over the period of 2017 – 2024 in Kamwenge District of Uganda. This project will test the use of the Graduation Approach to reach people living in extreme poverty, the most vulnerable who have been traditionally marginalized due to either gender, level of poverty, disability and/or age factors. Trickle Up brings to the Consortium expertise and capacity in addressing gender inequality and significant experience as one of the lead actors in the Graduation Approach, particularly with refugee populations.

The goal of this development food security project is to improve the food security, nutrition and economic self-reliance of extremely poor households using a graduation approach. Its focus is on households that are economically active, but are chronically unable to meet their basic needs and have little chance of improving their circumstances without some form of assistance.

This development food security program will:

Focus on households from both the Rwamwanja refugee settlement and neighboring host communities;
Target extremely poor households;
Enroll and graduate one adult per household, preferably the woman of the household.



The primary objective of this assignment is to design and lead the initial gender analysis for the USAID/FFP-funded Graduating to Resilience project. The analysis will focus on households from both the Rwamwanja refugee settlement and neighboring host communities. The goal of the gender analysis is to identify key gender issues, inequalities, constraints and opportunities in Kamwenge District and offer conclusions and recommendations. These findings will be used to guide the project’s gender integration throughout its programming, including the development of the other systems and population level assessments that are occurring during Year 1.

Scope of work:

The Gender Analysis will provide a thorough and deep analysis of gender dynamics and their influence on food security, nutrition, and livelihoods in the target region. The analysis will be carried out to further inform the design of all other baseline assessments, project interventions, the AMEP and Research and Learning agenda.

The analysis will be critical in supporting the project to reach three broad outcomes aligned with USAID’s Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy: 1) Reducing gaps between males and females in access to, and control over, resources, 2) Reducing the prevalence of gender-based violence and 3) Reducing constraints that prevent women and girls from leading, participating fully in and influencing decisions in their societies and increasing access to food and nutrition security.

The guiding questions of the Gender Analysis will be:

What is the magnitude of difference in gender dynamics among refugee and host community, and how should the project respond to these sub-populations differentially?
What might prevent women and their households from participating fully and eventually graduating from food insecurity to self-reliance and resilience?
What is the optimal approach to fostering women’s empowerment with positive male and household engagement?
Who are the catalysts, networkers and mobilisers in target communities, likely to support the women’s empowerment objective of the project? Who are likely detractors?
The Gender Analysis report will include specific recommendations on how best to engage men and household members to maximize cooperation while not displacing the woman as the primary participant, as well as communication, messages, and points of attention for coaches and project staff working directly with women and their households in both refugee and host communities.


The consultant, in coordination with the Senior Technical Training Advisor, will lead the preparation and completion of a thorough Gender Analysis. The first step will be to coordinate the participation of a field team in a three-day consultation with local leaders and government officials, as well as USAID/Uganda and/or FFP officers. In addition to the Sr. Technical Training Advisor, this field team will include the project’s three gender officers and at least one senior manager of the Graduating to Resilience project. The consultant will be responsible for developing the methodology for the Gender Analysis and he/she will support the local team during this initial consultation. At the conclusion of the Gender Analysis, the consultant will lead a de-briefing session with key stakeholders and project staff.

The Gender Analysis will be carried out with qualitative and quantitative data collection tools and methods including:

Surveys/questionnaires, including time-use questionnaire
Social mapping tools
Focus group discussions
Individual interviews
Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected on a range of topics to include:

Nuanced intra-household power dynamics between husbands, wives, boys and girls.
Existing prejudices, taboos and stigma related to women’s rights, decision-making roles, and capacities to manage livelihoods.
Existing formal and informal structures, including both customary and formal laws, related to intra-household dispute resolution.
The magnitude of competing demands on women’s time and their ability to participate in the project regularly and efficiently.
Differential access to assets, resources, opportunities and services, and how access to and control over land and other assets are negotiated between men and women and between host community and refugee populations.
The influence of gender roles and norms on the division of time between paid employment, unpaid work and volunteer activities.
Appropriate communication channels for project messages to reach men and women, boys and girls.
Relationship dynamics among women of different ages, ethnicities and backgrounds, with attention to opportunities and threats to strengthening relationships of trust and social capital among women.
The extent to which patriarchal culture among the refugee settlements and host communities contributes to women’s subordination at household or community level.
Gender differences in the most common health issues, including mental health, and how they are being handled.
Furthermore, the analysis will use an ‘intersectionality’ approach as a tool that makes it possible to understand and respond to ways in which multiple aspects of each person’s social identity and status intersect to create unique experiences of oppression and privilege. Issues to be considered will include age, gender, disability, HIV, ethnicity, etc.


The consultant will be specifically responsible for the following tasks:

An Action Plan: Within five days of the commencement of the contract, the consultant will develop action plan for the analysis with specific deliverables, timeline, tools, training manuals/guides, an analysis framework, a report outline, and a specification of the level of support required from Trickle Up and the Graduating to Resilience project team;
Research Tools: Develop/adapt acceptable tools and questions for the Gender Analysis. In consultation with the Sr. Technical Training Advisor and other technical advisors, the consultant will make final decisions on specific analysis tools and frameworks to be applied;
Train/Orient: The study team consisting of the Sr. Technical Training Advisor, Gender Officers and project staff from other technical areas (as needed). The number and compositions of staff will further be refined with input from the consultant;
Leading the Data Collection: The consultant will lead and guide the study team during field study/data collection;
Lead the Data Analysis and Report Write Up: The consultant will lead the data analysis and prepare a detailed report on the study. An oral debriefing may be conducted;
Presentation/Gender Consultation Workshop: The consultant will be expected to present the findings of the analysis to all project staff to determine: priority action areas; to integrate the findings into the project design and implementation plans; as well as how to make changes to the project plan (if needed). The consultant should also be prepared to conduct a presentation to the donor, USAID if necessary.
Final Report: Based on the findings and gender consultation workshop, the final report will include key recommendations; Gender Assessment; Gender Action Plan; and Gender Progress Markers
Plan for Ongoing Analysis: The consultant will develop a plan, in coordination with the Sr. Technical Training Advisor, to review the Gender Analysis annually and conduct a comprehensive gender analysis again in Year 4 to adequately understand the ever changing cultural and gender issues of both the refugee and host communities and how these can impede or enable the implementation of project interventions.
Deliverables: The consultant will provide the following:
Soft copy of the final report and Gender Action Plan;
Original hard copies of the transcribed data and tools;
Data sets of any analysis or tabular information generated during analysis
Any tools and resources so that will be need to review the Gender Analysis annually and repeat it in Year 4.
Assignment duration

This assignment is expected to take no more than 24 days to complete. The assignment is expected to start no later than March 5, 2018.

Qualifications, skills and experience required:

A post graduate degree in gender, development studies or social sciences
Extensive training in and understanding of gender and development issues
Extensive experience in research and analytical work in gender equality and women’s economic empowerment
Experience in undertaking similar work both amongst refugee and host communities
Strong analytical and presentation skills
Proven track record and ability to liaise with different groups at different levels including policy makers, grass-root women’s organizations, field workers and technical experts, amongst others
Knowledge of participatory approaches and tools.

To Apply:Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until February 15, 2018. We are sorry we are unable to entertain phone calls related to this posting.

Please click here to Apply Online
