M-Voucher Technology Partner – Kampala – Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps has been implementing the Growth, Health, Governance (GHG) program in Northern Karamoja since July 2012. The program has three strategic objectives: Livelihoods strengthened; Nutrition among children under 2 improved; Governance and Local Capacity for Conflict Mitigation Improved. Mercy Corps has also been implementing the Building Resilience, and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) program in Kaabong, Kotido, Moroto and Napak since January 2015, Safety Net and Resilience (SNR) program with World Food Program (WFP) in Kotido and Kaabong, and the DYNAMIC Mastercard Foundation funded program since 2015.

Project Description/Objectives:
Mercy Corps seeks a Uganda-based company with experience on various technology platforms that bridge the gap between technical innovations and development programming in remote locations (Karamoja). This activity will build on GHGs’ previous m-voucher activities using a similar type of platform, but with up-grades based on learning or new innovations. It will enable target beneficiaries of GHG, BRACED, DYNAMIC and SNR to receive discounts towards the purchase of agricultural inputs. The activity would include different and/or additional agrodealers/shopkeepers and include an expanded geographic focus that also includes Moroto and Napak districts (in addition to Abim, Kotido and Kaabong).
The primary objective of this activity is to subsidize the initial purchases of improved technologies by Karamoja’s most vulnerable population so they can utilize the technologies to increase their incomes, food security, and resilience. The secondary objective is to conduct the activity in a way that improves market relationships and adoption of cell-phone based technology including mobile money.

• Create, Implement and maintain an innovative real time mobile phone-based voucher platform with limited errors. Creative but reliable, and rural applications are preferred. The platform needs to be robust enough given the complexity involved, Agile to manage flexible adaptations, taking into account operational challenges for mobile in Karamoja.
• Design real time dashboard, redemption menu and process, inter-working of the float account connection.
• Design and print new vouchers (possibly several types to match specific products)
• Conduct training of agrodealers/shopkeepers
• Establish IVR and/or customer care line in 3 languages for technical support
• Provide support activities throughout the implementation process, both remotely and in the field
• Provide reporting for financial reconciliation, documentation and lessons learned

Timeframe / Schedule:
The contractor will be engaged from January-July 2017

Will report to:
Chief of Party, GHG

The Consultant will work closely with:
GHG Program Management Advisor

• Prior experience operating mobile money voucher activities in Uganda, preferably Karamoja
• Technical ability to effectively design and implement the m-voucher platform including a live dashboard, float account connectivity, IVR and customer care line
• Ability to design and print m-vouchers
• Experience conducting cell phone technology training in Karamoja
• Knowledge of Uganda, in particular Karamoja, desirable
• Cultural sensitivity mandatory
• Ability to work to multiple and competing deadlines

Submit a narrative design proposal no longer than 30 pages inclusive of a budget indicating LOE to ugtenders@mercycorps.org no later than 5pm (EAT) on Thursday 5th January 2017.
