Cash and Voucher – Kampala – Chemonics International Inc

USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) is a leading global provider of objective, evidence-based food security information and analysis. FEWS NET collaborates with international, regional and national partners to provide timely and rigorous early warning and analysis of potential, emerging, and/or evolving food security issues in order to inform decisions and guide response. Chemonics International Inc., based in Washington, DC, has been contracted by USAID to manage FEWS NET technical and field activities. In an effort to understand current and to foresee future market anomalies, the FEWS NET project relies on a broadly defined Markets and Trade Knowledge Base, which includes market context documents (Market Fundamentals Reports), special reports, and databases of historical market information (including production, food balance sheets, and prices). The Markets and Trade Knowledge Base largely serve as baselines, against which to assess the existence and extent of market-based anomalies that could contribute to food insecurity. Most recently, FEWS NET has been tasked with also providing USAID with market response decision support, including but not limited to assessing the impact of potential food assistance programs on a given country’s local economy. Over the remainder of the current contract, FEWS NET III plans to produce Market Fundamentals Reports for up to 10 countries, globally.

Job Summary: The Cash and Voucher (C&V) Program Specialist (Consultant) will mainly be collecting secondary data to provide an overview on the markets capacity to respond to demand sustained by humanitarian cash programming, compiling lessons learned from previous C&V program efforts, and identifying key risks and comparing approaches of one-off and multi month cash transfer to vulnerable households in different geographical contexts.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
Work closely with FEWS NET staff to understand USAID information needs and define assessment-specific research questions.
Keenly review existing guidance and methodologies used to assess food assistance transfer modality feasibility and appropriateness.
Regularly review and analyze all existing secondary data and reports related to C&V programming in the assessment focus country
Conduct field assessment to collect and compile information from relevant stakeholders in order to provide analysis and recommendations on implementation risks, the markets’ capacity and the various transfer modalities, considering feasibility, costs and risks currently in use by cash programs across the country.
Draft sections of the Market Fundamentals report, with guidance from the Home Office Technical team.
Offer general support to the team to ensure the successful completion of the Market Fundamentals and market response analysis reports. This may involve making phone calls to set up interviews, data entry, as well as other forms of ad hoc logistics and technical support over the duration of the contract.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
The applicants should hold at least a Master’s Degree in Economics or a closely related field and should possess extensive experience in agricultural market analysis and/or food security analysis.
A minimum of five years’ experience in the implementation or research of local and regional procurement, cash, and voucher programming is highly desirable. (USAID Food for Peace, USDA, WFP, etc.)
Significant experience conducting external evaluations of food assistance programs is highly desirable.
Previous exposure and experience with major donor organizations or research institutions involved in food assistance or food security analysis (e.g., USAID, USDA, WFP, IFPRI, universities) is highly preferred.
Prior experience facilitating technical workshops and/or focus group interviews.
Proven ability to work with international and multidisciplinary team members with minimal supervision.
Evidence of working with and coordinating with multidisciplinary and international team members
Demonstrated ability to multitask
Ability and availability to participate in field work during the planned assessment timeline.

How to Apply:
All suitably qualified and interested candidates should send their updated CVs and cover letter in English to: Please note the position title in the subject line (Ex. “Logistics Assessment Specialist Market Analysis Consultant”).

Deadline: 6th March, 2016
