Climate Smart Agriculture Specialist – ACDI/VOCA

For over 50 years and in 146 countries, ACDI/VOCA has empowered people in developing and transitional nations to succeed in the global economy. With Headquarters in Washington, D.C., ACDI/VOCA is a nonprofit international development organization that delivers technical and management assistance in agribusiness, financial services, enterprise development, community development and food security in twenty-eight countries in order to promote broad-based economic growth and vibrant civil society.

The Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Uganda (RWANU), is a five-year (started in August 2012) USAID Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Program (DFAP) project. The overall goal of the project is to reduce food insecurity among vulnerable people in sixteen sub-counties in Southern Karamoja. ACDI/VOCA implements and leads activities implemented by ACDI/VOCA Welthungerhilfe (WHH) and Concern Worldwide.

The RWANU project has worked to integrate CSA practices into many of the project’s activities that have become associated with improving the resiliency of poor communities due to climate shocks. The continued climatic changes that have been characterized by prolonged drought and changes in the rain pattern has a resulted in tree cutting, bush burning, uncontrolled grazing, and soil degradation in South Karamoja. This has required a more integrated and sustainable effort to help communities’ progress in their agriculture and other livelihood activities.

RWANU started with a design to establish and/or strengthen linkages between households and the Drought Early Warning System in coordination with the local government, However, the greatest effort proposed in the project design included the integration of risk-mitigating measures such as:

Promotion of environmentally sustainable natural resource management (NRM) practices, including cultivation of crops suited to the agro-environment; integration of agroforestry into the cropping system; and promotion of practices that increase soil fertility and organic matter while reducing moisture loss.
Promotion of drip irrigation for vegetable production to efficiently use limited water supplies.
Diversification of livelihoods and assets, including increased livestock ownership, and increasing incomes through production for markets. Households with more assets and diversified income sources are better able to withstand drought and other climatic shocks without resorting to negative coping strategies.
During the fourth year of the project the DRR/NRM staff have provided information related to DRR/NRM in practically every training that has been conducted in addition to specialized DRR/NRM training events. Topics covered areas such as: integrated pest management during growing season and post-harvest storage; soil and water conservation were a constant concern that was emphasized; the development of farmer managed natural resources (FMNR) has also been heavily included in the project. The training associated with the FMNR included: monitoring for any abnormalities such as pest, weed or disease infestation, pruning of the unwanted branches, supporting the identified trees to ensure they grow straight, watering during dry spells, mulching and termite control. Establishment of fodder banks for the livestock projects were also carried out.

RWANU is seeking a consultant with relevant field experience in Uganda to

determine the integration of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices and technologies with farmers;
identify CSA outcomes on sustainable agricultural production, adaptation and mitigation; and
assess to adoption of CSA in Karamoja, and suggest ways to strengthen early warning systems at part of RWANU’s sustainability and exit strategy plan.
The consultant should conduct a rapid field assessment in the form of case studies for each of the following CSA RWANU activities:

Improved market access
Access to financing
Income diversification
Diversification of diets
Improved post-harvest storage
Introduction of irrigation
Introducing improved livestock
Crop diversification
Value-chain development (agro-inputs, vet-inputs, fodder, value-added processing)
At least 5 case studies should be developed that focus on one of the above CSA interventions, but should then show how multiple CSA interventions are used to create the greater impact. Each of these case studies should answer the following questions:

What is working well in current programming? How do you know?
What is not working well in current programming? How do you know?
How are the project’s interventions addressing the climate-induced stresses and shocks in Karamoja?
The assessment methodologies, identified obstacles to adoption of improved technologies, findings and recommendations for each case study should be compiled in a single document.

Key Responsibilities
Coordinate with RWANU field and headquarters team to clarify and finalize SOW, finalize timing, and identify data collection team and resource/support needs.
Conduct desk review, including the project description, project documents and project result data, such as reports, M&E data and performance management plans (PMPs), case studies, success stories, and other relevant materials generated by the project
Design a draft work plan for review by the project management, including
Meet with the RWANU in-country team to finalize logistics and resource arrangements, confirm data collection team, and finalize the assessment methodology
Conduct fieldwork according to the work plan
Analyze and document key findings in a clear, concise and usable case studies
Prepare a draft report for RWANU management feedback
Prepare a final report and PowerPoint presentation summarizing the findings
Be prepared to make an oral debriefing to project management, the donor and partners

The individual should have a post-graduate degree in Environmental Management/Conservation;
At least 5 years of prior environmental assessment experience;
Applicable USAID regulations knowledge.

Please send resumes to No phone calls please. Only those candidates considered for an interview will be contacted. ACDI/VOCA is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities and people from diverse groups are encouraged to apply. ACDI/VOCA will never solicit a payment from any applicant.
