Consultancy to Analyse and Build the Capacity – Gulu – Trócaire Uganda

1 Project background
In 2016, the Trócaire Uganda office secured a second grant from the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) to implement an 18-month research project entitled “Instituting the Protection of Rights to Customary Land in Acholi”. The project is being implemented by Trócaire in partnership with the Joint Acholi Sub Region Leaders Forum (JASLF), which provides technical guidance and support through the Technical Committee and the JASLF Secretariat. The goal of the project is to strengthen the security of customary and communal land tenure in Acholiland, through piloting new approaches based on research, consultation and advocacy.
The current project follows on a first phase of research in July 2015 – June 2016; the current project implementation period is 18 months, from July 2016 to December 2017.

2 Background to the assignment
The Joint Acholi Sub-Region Leaders’ Forum was established in December 2011, with the purpose of addressing a number of cross-cutting issues affecting Districts in the Acholi Sub-Region. Its membership includes the Local Governments of seven Districts (Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, Lamwo, Nwoya and Pader); the Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG); Resident District Commissioners (RDCs), representing Central Government in the seven Districts; religious leaders represented by the Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiative (ARLPI); cultural leaders represented by the cultural organization Ker KwaroAcholi (KKA), and civil society and opinion leaders. Overall membership runs to about 180. The Forum meets once every quarter or as and when the need arises.
The JASLF is coordinated by a Chairperson. The Hon. Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, Chairperson of Gulu District Local Government, chaired the Forum for the 2011-2015 term. The Hon. Jackson Omona, Chairperson Kitgum District Local Government, was chosen to chair the Forum for the 2016-2020 period.
Membership to the Forum is on the basis of the position held by an individual (e.g., a local government official, a religious leader, the director of a local NGO). There is no paid staff, and the Forum does not maintain an office, nor does it have legal status.

The Forum has established nine Technical Committees, with a remit in a specific area of concern. These include:
1. Land
2. Oil & Gas
3. Unity & Accountability of Leaders
4. Climate Change and Environmental Degradation
5. Attitude and Social Change
6. Compensation & Reparation
7. Resource Mobilisation & Productivity
8. Health
9. Education & Skills Development

The Committees were established at a meeting in May 2016, except for those on Land and Oil & Gas, which had been set up previously. Each Committee has seven members (the Oil & Gas Committee has nine). There is a minor degree of overlap in the membership of some of the Committees.
Expectations of each Committee chair
Each Committee Chair is expected to coordinate all members; to share information with them; to call meetings where possible, to seek expert guidance from other Acholi experts; to identify thematic keynote contributors with a view to sourcing expert presentation where possible and necessary; and to collate all assignments and activities related thereto.
3 Scope and Objectives of the Consultancy
While the focus of the DGF-funded project is exclusively on land, the consultancy is expected to address the JASLF as a broad entity, acknowledging that the strengthening of capacity will bring benefits for the management of land issues as well as any other issue being addressed by the Forum.

The objectives of the consultancy are:
a. To carry out a thorough analysis of the capacity building needs of the JASLF as an entity concerned with a broad spectrum of issues impacting on the lives and livelihoods of the people of Acholiland; and,
b. To produce a comprehensive capacity building plan to address the needs identified under (a) above.
c. To facilitate the development of the JASLF strategic and action plans including a communications and advocacy strategy embracing all its constituent nine committees covering a period of five years.
d. Should facilitate the registration of the JASLF in accordance with the Section 8 of the Local Governments Act, CAP 243 (1)[1] and Article 178 (1) (3) of the Constitution of the republic of Uganda if after activity a) JASLF wish to continue with this process.
It is expected that the JASLF or Trócaire will commission additional capacity building activities based on the comprehensive capacity building plan. The consultant should bear this in mind when developing providing the expression of interest and the subsequent report.
4 Tasks
The consultant may propose other activities in the Expression of Interest, but the tasks undertaken should include at least the following:
a. Conduct a series of interviews with relevant actors, either individually or, where appropriate, in groups. This group should include a range of members of the JASLF, as well as staff of Trócaire and DGF. The interviews may take the form of focus group discussions, workshops, or another suitable methodology; the consultant is free to propose the format(s).
b. Produce a comprehensive report on the identified capacity building needs of the JASLF.
c. Produce a detailed plan, including a timetable and indicative budget, to address the needs identified. It should prioritize the needs on a scale and indicate clearly how the capacity could be built e.g. via consultancy, using internal resources etc.
d. Produce a final report indicating the work done as part of the consultancy.
5 Deliverables
a. A comprehensive report on the capacity building needs of the JASLF;
b. A detailed plan, including a budget and timetable, to address the capacity building needs, with an indication of the consultant’s interest in and capacity for delivering the overall plan.
c. A global Strategic Plan for JASLF
d. Community and Advocacy plan for JASLF
e. A final report on work done during the consultancy, including details of individuals and groups met and interviewed.
6 Management of the Consultancy
The Consultancy will be managed jointly by Trócaire and the Joint Acholi Sub-Region Leaders Forum, with each entity nominating a contact person. The consultant will report to both contact persons, who will be identified at the time of signing of the consultancy contract. All correspondence from the consultant will be to both contact persons. The division of responsibilities between the consultant and Trócaire/JASLF will be as follows
The Consultant
a) Deliver on the activities and deliverables outlined in this brief
b) Prepare materials required for training where applicable
c) Prepare timely reports and feedback as agreed with the Project Co-ordinator
Project Coordinator DGF
a) To provide project background information.
b) To organise the contract and payment
c) To organise transport to necessary locations.
d) To organise logistics for any meetings/trainings that are necessary.
e) To jointly supervise the work with JASLF
JASLF contact person
a) To organise all meetings with JASLF members.
b) To provide all requested information on JASLF
c) To jointly supervise the work with Trócaire.
7 Timeline
The consultancy must be completed and all deliverables submitted to Trócaire by Friday, June 30th, 2017
8 Consultant Profile
1. Advanced degree in social sciences, humanitarian, development or related fields.
2. At least 6 years of professional experience in capacity building of local organisations.
3. Strong interpersonal and coaching skills.
4. Familiarity with Uganda, particularly Northern Uganda, would be a distinct advantage.
9 Outline of consultant’s proposal
The consultant is expected to submit an Expression of Interest to Trócaire, which should include:
1. An understanding and interpretation of the terms of reference – a summary of approach and methodology outlining how the capacity assessment will be conducted, including an implementation plan.
2. A CV and profile of the consultancy firm/individual
3. Annexes – CV of the key expert including references.
4. A financial component stating daily consultancy fees of each consultant.
5. An outline indication of the consultant’s possible involvement in the delivery of the capacity building plan.
Please Note: Transport, accommodation, logistics, etc. will be budgeted separately by Trócaire.
[1] states that “Two or more district councils may, in accordance with Article 178 of the Constitution— (a) cooperate in the areas of culture and development and (b) for purposes of the cooperation, form and support councils, trust funds or secretariats”; Sub-Section 2 of the same section declares that “A Local Government Council may concur with any other Local Government in appointing a joint committee in any matter in which they have a common interest.”

The Expression of Interest should be submitted not later than Wednesday, April 19th 2017**, via email to , with the title of the consultancy included clearly in the subject line: **Application – JASLF CAPACITY BUILDING – DGFII**
