Consultancy To Conduct Socio-Economic Survey – World Vision


Uganda currently hosts over 1 million South Sudanese refugees[1]fleeing from conflict, drought and hunger. More than 93 per cent of these refugees live in settlements in the northern districts of Yumbe, Adjumani, Arua, Moyo and Lamwo. 63% of the refugee population is children under the age of 18 years, 82% are women and children while 3% are the elderly. The rise in South Sudanese refugee population in Uganda is expected to continue unless the root causes of the conflict are addressed.
Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Yumbe district where world vision operates hosts over 276,710[2] South Sudaneserefugees fleeing the ongoing civil war. The settlement is the largest refugee settlement in Uganda and covers 250 square kilometers of the eastern half of Yumbe District and is divided into 5 zones. It stretches southward from the South Sudanese border and spills over into Moyo District.
Assessments conducted by WV and partners indicate that refugees still face a number of issues among them shortage of safe clean water. The results shows that 57% of refugees and 76% of the host communities, are water stressed and experience crises during the dry season. In this respect World Vision West Nile Response Program with funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and through its project Uganda Refugee Emergency WASH & Child Protection, intends to design and construct water supply systems to help improve access to safe water in Bidibidi settlement.
Scope of the consultancy
World Vision West Nile Response Program therefore, seeks the services of an experienced professional to support the design & documentation of two water supply systems. One of the system will be constructed in the host community which requires a socio-economic survey and another within the settlement which does not require a socio-economic survey.
Objectives of the Consultancy

For the system in the host community;
• Develop a detailed implementation plan including the materials needed for the data collection and interpretation.
• Design the socio-economic survey tools including data collection mechanism
• Develop the lay-out/ contents presentation template for the reporting
• Carry out surveys to determine the socio-economic status for the system in the host community.
• Compile a report based on the agreed template.
And for the two systems;
• Analyse the water demand based on the different categories of users.
• Determine the prospective demand points and establish the most suitable layout of water transmission and distribution.
• Survey and establish the topographic profile along the agreed scheme route, which the Piped Water Supply Scheme will be constructed.
• Develop a hydraulic design of the scheme taking the technical criteria and cost effectiveness into consideration using DWD design guidelines.
• Analyse well properties and design the electro mechanical components of the scheme.
• Prepare cost estimates for the construction of the scheme.
• Prepare technical drawings for scheme
• Prepare detailed engineering design report for the scheme
• Prepare tender documents for the construction of the scheme
• Incorporate successful regional and international experiences in water supply systems and strategies in comparable situations, especially in the field of water demand management to optimize the system, water resource(s) and equitable water use.
• Provide on-the-job training and mentoring to the project staff on the design and procurement of water supply projects, use of relevant software, suitable technologies, etc.
• Conduct any other tasks needed for successful completion of the Consultancy’s objectives.

Implementation Modality
The Consultant will be stationed in the World Vision West Nile Response Program, Yumbe district office. The work will be executed through a combination of design work at the office and site visits as required.
The Consultant shall report to the WASH Specialist – Global Technical Team, for day-to-day work and the Project Manager – REACH project for overall work coordination.
The Consultant is expected to provide his own computer and relevant software.
World Vision West Nile Response Program will provide: furnished work space, office internet access, printing facilities, and transport for site visits. Accommodation will also be provided for in World Vision West Nile Response Program prequalified service providers in Yumbe District. All other cost associated with the consultancy will be borne by the consultant.
Timing & Duration of the consultancy
The consultant is required to complete the tasks within two weeks from the date the contract is signed. A detailed implementation plan, including itinerary for movements in and out of the field will provided up on signing of a contract.

Required Qualifications & Experience
A Bachelor or higher-level degree in water supply engineering, environmental engineering, public health engineering or Civil Engineering.
A minimum of 10 years’ experience in:
Essential Skills:
ü Planning and designing of water supply systems, including: intakes, transmission and distribution systems, pumping systems, water treatment plants, reservoirs, infiltration galleries etc., in situations and contexts similar to Bidibidi;
ü Preparation of technical specifications, cost estimates, tender documents, etc.,
ü Preparation of detailed design reports.
Required Skills:
ü Proficiency in the use of AutoCAD and Water-Cad, or similar hydraulic design software.
ü Strong understanding of government of Uganda design guidelines for design of water supply systems
ü Experience in carrying out similar work for world vision especially in West Nile region of Uganda
ü Excellent English speaking and writing skills.
Desired Qualifications & Experience
Knowledge of climate change impacts and resilience strategies.
Experience of leading and managing water supply projects and design teams
[1] UNHCR, Uganda refugee Response, South Sudan Situation (21 August 2017)
[2] UNHCR, Uganda refugee Response, South Sudan Situation (21 August 2017)

Interested candidates should send their letter of expression of interest with a technical and budget proposal including resumes electronically to by close of business 12th October 2017
The subject of your email should read “Consultancy for design & documentation of two water supply schemes in Bidibidi Settlement”
Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
