Consultancy To Develop Program Direction For ECD Programme – Kampala – UN Children’s Fund

UNICEF is seeking the services of a Senior Early Childhood Development technical expert to support consultations with key sections within the country office (Alive, Safe, Learning C4D and Social policy) and selected government and non-government sectors to finalize the ECD Programme priorities and strategies for its next Country Programme (2016-20). The main purpose of the Consultancy is to support the Country Office to plan and develop a programme strategy / guidance document for its ECD programme.
The programme will be linked to the ESARO priorities and aligned with the results framework of the UNICEF Uganda Country Programme document. The strategy document will guide the office in providing a coordinated and holistic approach to ECD.
Scope of work

In the interest of guiding the identification of a strategic direction founded upon the results framework of the country programme document for 2016/2020 and UNDAF, this assignment aims to:
National Level
• Based on draft IECD policy, develop strategic implementation plan and national standards for ECD;
• Review of national programmes for child survival and development, including RMNCH sharpened plan (C4D strategy), IMNCI, UNAP (C4D Nutrition), WASH, etc. and integrate key caring practices for ECD;
• Build consensus with stakeholders on key caring practices for ECD;
• Develop parenting training package(s) for use by community extension workers (VHT, etc.), health workers, (ref. CCD, Facts for Life, existing C4D packages, etc.)
• Develop standards and programming guidelines and tools for community-based ECD.
Local Government/District level
Preparation for the scale up of integrated ECD in selected geographic areas such as Karamoja, West Nile and Acholi for phase I:
• Assessment of quality and coverage of community based ECD interventions and key partners.
• Capacity of local governments;
• Capacity ECD caregivers.
• Recommendations for scale up of integrated community ECD interventions.
Additionally, at this level, the consultant is expected to contribute to the following:
• Clarify roles and responsibilities in the delivery of effective ECD services for children and families through the integrated approach to ECD;
• Develop an implementation framework for different levels.
Areas to be considered
• The consultancy will build on on-going efforts within the office and government to plan for delivery of integrated early childhood services at community and household levels.
• The consultant will review the CPD, UNDAF, and UNICEF regional priorities, the Uganda NIECD draft policy and action plan.
• The planned multi-sectoral nature of Early Childhood Development has not been the basis of planning and implementation so far, hence the need to involve other actors and sectors including health, nutrition, child protection, education, water and sanitation among others.
• An additional aim of this endeavor will be to raise awareness in support of ECD to guide funding plans and increased equitable access to comprehensive quality ECD services.

The international consultant and will be based in the Education, but works with all relevant others. The expected duration is Four months.
Expected deliverables and time frame

TasksEnd products / deliverables
Task 1:Review relevant documents- policies, guidelines, studies, evaluations by UNICEF and government related to ECD:
• Draft inception report
• Meeting / workshop to discuss the draft inception report
• Revise the draft inception report

Deliverable 1: Inception report providing details of the approach/processes to the assignment; key issues to be considered; key stakeholders groups; a detailed work plan with time frame and schedule for the processes. Adequate time to be allowed for consultations with key stakeholders.
Task 2: Hold consultation and capacity building sessions with relevant stakeholders within UNICEF, its partners and government.
Deliverable 2: Summary report on consultations with stakeholders.
Task 3: Develop training package(s) on parenting for use by community extension workers (VHT, etc.), health workers, (ref. CCD, Facts for Life, existing C4D packages, etc.)
Deliverable 3: Parenting packages to be used by extension workers
Task 4: Assessment of quality and coverage of community based ECD interventions and key partners; and capacity of local government and caregivers
Deliverable 4: Draft standards and programming guidelines and tools for community-based ECD
Task 5: Preparatory activities in the selected areas of Karamoja, West Nile and Acholi sub regions for scale up of integrated ECD
Deliverable 5: Recommendations for scale up of integrated community based ECD interventions (home visits, community-based ECD centres, health facilities (IMCI/ICATT and other).

Desired background, qualifications, experience and competences:
• Master’s Degree in ECD/Education or related field.
• Proven expertise in Early Childhood Development and of UNICEF is essential for the current consultancy
• 7-10 years of work experience
• Senior/Extensive cross-country experience in Early Childhood Development
• Proven experience in developing similar guiding documents
• Proven organizational and coordination skills
• Strong writing skills
• Ability to work under pressing deadlines
• Inter-personal skills, training, facilitation, mentoring, coaching and discussion facilitation skills, gender sensitivity, ability to work independently, good at MS word, including formatting.

Applicants interested in the above position should send their Applications accompanied by a resume and P11 Form Via email to:, clearly indicating the position applied for and using the specified order to name attachments (Firstname_Lastname followed by document e.g. First name_Last Name P11 or First name_Last Name CV or First name_Last Name Application.
• This assignment is classified under the International professional category and Ugandan Nationals need not apply.
• UNICEF is committed to gender equality in its mandate and its staff; qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
• UNICEF is a smoke free environment.
• Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
• Closing date for applications is 12 May 2015.
