GWPEA’s Resource Mobilization Strategy – Entebbe – Nile Basin Initiative

GWPEA a partner of the Nile Basin Initiative needs to develop a resource mobilization strategy and action plan due to the shift in responsibility for resource mobilization from global to regional and countries. More focus to leverage resource has been shifted to country level while the CWPs do not have capacities. GWP’s role needs to be very visible to development partners and show actual investment on the ground.
Moreover, GWP has been also engaging on emerging issues at global level such as the Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 dedicated for water and also UNFCC negotiation process which opened up new financing opportunities. That means for GWPEA requires a robust forward-looking resource mobilization strategy which takes into account these changes as well as assesses lessons learned from past and current resource mobilization efforts. This strategy must also explore new strategies and partners and outline a systematic and strategic approach to leveraging existing and new partnerships as well as recommend how to diversify the resource base for GWPEA activities in the region with the aim of securing continued financial resources for sustained program of GWP in the Eastern Africa/IGAD region. To this end, GWPEA seeks a qualified consultant to develop a new resource mobilization strategy with a proposed action plan responsive to the emerging issues and existing challenges.

This TOR defines the scope and requirements of an individual consultancy service to develop a new resource mobilization strategy for the region.
1. Objectives
The main objectives of this consultancy are to update GWPEA’s resource mobilization strategy in response to the emerging opportunities and challenges; and to support its operationalization (through developing clear action plan and mechanisms for implementation) in order to sustain and develop new programs in the Eastern Africa region.
2. Scope of work
The scope of the consultancy service shall include reviewing existing documents of resource mobilization, developing an operationalization mechanism and providing technical support/guidance to the GWPEA team for resource mobilization. It will also involve preparation of a catalogue of donors (appropriate to the GWPEA mission and objectives), Preparation of concept notes to guide the approaches to these donors, preparation of a specific strategy for involvement of the private sector in GWPEA activities and draft concept notes for collaboration with Coca Cola, UAP insurance etc.
3. Tasks to be performed

Specific tasks of the consultancy will include:
§ Read documents and consult with GWPEA staff members to better understand the vision, mission and focus areas of the organization, and past resource mobilization efforts (including the existing strategy), best practices, lessons learned and challenges encountered by GWPEA;
§ Read the three year work program to better understand how much is needed and for what result area;
§ Conduct a detailed analysis of potential global and local donors to map the feasibility of securing thematic funding. Map donors’ strategic areas of interest, funds available, grantees, funding windows, requirements and guidelines and interest in funding key GWPEA result areas. Along these lines, also explore opportunities for partnerships (and mobilizing & leveraging resources) from other partners like private sector
§ Recommend how to develop and maintain strategic partnerships and engagement with key donors, (past, present and future), including preparation of a specific strategy for involvement of the private sector in GWPEA activities and draft concept notes for collaboration with Coca Cola, UAP insurance etc.
§ Having identified both the funding needs and potential funding sources, work with GWPEA staff to match funding sources against priority areas.
§ Engage GWPEA staff to identify reasons why fundraising has or has not been successful.
§ On the basis of the analysis from above, develop a fundraising strategy with priority fundraising targets, and responsibilities over the next 5 years.
§ Identify/define potential funding scenarios from which the program can be redirected (e.g. best, med, worst cases, etc.)
§ Provide coaching in the development/initial implementation of resource mobilization strategies. This includes preparation of concept notes to approach donors.
4. Duration of the task
The duration for this short term consultancy work will be for 40 working days commencing from the date of signature of the contract and the tasks will be completed by the 30 June 2016.
5. Supervision, Reporting and Deliverables
The consultant will be directly supervised by and will be reporting to the GWPEA’s Regional Program Manager. The consultant is expected to provide regular updates of progress to the bi-weekly management meetings.
The following deliverables are expected from the consultant:
§ A work plan showing the assignment’s important processes, activities and milestones
§ A comprehensive resource mobilization strategy that includes an overview of the situation, an analysis of past fundraising experience, explores future opportunities and strategies, details workflow processes and outlines a time-bound action plan (with key responsible focal points) to systematically research and raise funds for key GWPEA results.
§ An annex that maps donor interests, priorities, funding windows and points to clear actions that should be taken to mobilize funds and develop/maintain relationships with these donors
§ An annex that outlines a series of fundraising materials that need to be produced to secure funding/raise the profile of GWPEA
§ An action plan that outlines clear time lines for the action proposed
§ A plan for building the capacity of key staff in mobilizing and leveraging resources and developing and maintaining partnerships for GWPEA
6. Qualifications and experiences required

Developing a resource mobilization strategy requires a high level technical/professional expertise and proven experiences. The Individual Consultant interested in this work is required to have at the following qualifications:
§ Education: Holder of at least a Master’s Degree in the social or natural sciences, economics, development studies or related field.
§ Experience: At least ten years’ experience in the development sector, preferably in fundraising, resource mobilization and partnership building. Sound understanding and application of development management or strategic planning concepts, methodologies and tools
§ Language: Fluency in spoken and written English is essential. Knowledge of French should be an added advantage
§ Excellent interpersonal, communication, presentation and writing skills required.
7. Remuneration and schedule of payment

Proposals must be expressed in lump Sum Amount which must be all –inclusive. All costs that could possibly be incurred by the consultant, must be factored into the final amounts submitted in the proposal.
Payment shall be made according to the following deliverables:
§ Twenty per cent (20%) after the submission and the acceptance of the Inception report;
§ Forty per cent (40%) after the submission and the acceptance of the draft report.
§ Forty per cent (40%) after the submission and the acceptance of the final report.

Individual consultants meeting all the above requirements are invited to submit their CV’s to undertake the assignment.
Interested individual consultants satisfying the required qualification and skills are invited to submit their application (Technical and Financial proposal, and CV) with a cover letter to the contact below, latest 24th May 2016.
The Procurement Officer
Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat
P.O. Box 192 Entebbe, Uganda
Plot 12 Mpigi Road
Note: The proposal should provide the following information:
§ Technical proposal: Outline and methodology for undertaking the development of Resource Mobilization Strategy as well as the detailed work plan showing the assignment’s important activities and milestones
§ Financial proposal: including a detailed quotation for the development of Resource Mobilization Strategy showing all necessary costs.
§ Contact details of three past performance references
§ Updated CV of consultant, including relevant work experience and qualifications
