Livelihoods Expert and Markets Expert – Kampala – Palladium International

Objective: The objective of this rapid assessment is to understand how to best integrate market-based approaches in order to benefit affected groups – including both refugee and host communities, and to benefit Northern Uganda as a whole. To this end, NU-TEC MD will mobilise a Rapid Assessment team to understand what specific interventions, partnerships and areas of focus the NU-TEC MD programme should be involved in to benefit refugees and host communities. The Rapid Assessment will do the following:

1 Outline the overall humanitarian response.
1 Provide a rapid assessment of the livelihoods situation of refugees and host communities.
1 Perform a market assessment
1 Prioritise and recommend at least two possible entry points and strategies for NUTEC MD.

Palladium is looking for consultants to fill the following positions for the Rapid Assessment:

Livelihoods Expert-10 days. The livelihoods expert will lead on the livelihoods assessment within the rapid assessment team.

This will include the following:
Perform desk research on the current livelihoods situation of the target group.
Meet with key stakeholders who have gathered information on livelihoods of the target group in the settlements (as well as the host communities), and ensure that NU-TEC MD has as much existing data that has already been gathered so as not to duplicate efforts.
Design field tools to gather additional information that is needed and coordinate field research.
Undertake a field visit to the settlements, and gather information that is needed. This may include key information interviews as well as focus groups, but will be determined.
Analyse data and write up key sections related to livelihoods for the rapid assessment. This will also include developing recommendations for NU-TEC MD’s to be involved in livelihoods interventions. This will be done with the wider Rapid Assessment Team.
Markets Expert- 20 days. The Markets Expert will perform a market assessment and recommend opportunities for NU-TEC MD.

This will include the following:
Perform desk research on the current market situation of the settlements and of the North.
Meet with key stakeholders who have gathered information on markets in the settlements (as well as the host communities), with agencies that are incorporating a markets-based approach.
Meet with agencies or market actors where there is potential for NU-TEC MD to partner with or leverage off of both in Kampala, in the North as well as specifically in host communities or those servicing the settlements.
Undertake a market-based assessment on key products (to be determined with the wider Rapid Assessment Team and NU-TEC MD Team) that are being sourced for the camp population. This will include the design of field tools, data gathering (a visit to the settlements as well as to the North) as well as determining whether additional data gathering is needed and coordinating all the fieldwork.
Analyse data and write up key sections related to the markets assessment for the rapid assessment report. This will also include developing recommendations for how NU-TEC MD should be involved in the target population going forward. This will be done with the wider Rapid Assessment Team, however the primary responsibility for this will be met by the Markets Expert.

Expected Deliverables
It is expected that the contracted consultants will produce the following deliverables:

Overview of field research. The two consultants will each submit an overview of the plan for the field research, including who they are expected to meet with and the tools that have been developed as well as the key people from the wider Rapid Assessment Team that need to be involved in the information gathering.
Contribute to the draft report. The Livelihoods and Markets Consultants will input into the overall Rapid Assessment report, according to each of their roles (see section Rapid Assessment Team above), and will develop specific recommendations for interventions going forward for NU-TEC MD.
Present to NU-TEC MD and DFID as well as other stakeholders as determined by NU-TEC MD.
Input into the final report incorporating all of the input on the draft report from NU-TEC MD staff as well as other stakeholders, if required.
Timeframe for Deliverables

The study is expected to commence March with initial draft submission of the first report by end of April, with final deliverable in early May.

Qualification of Consultants
The assignment will be offered to the consultant(s) having the following expertise and qualifications:

1 Educational qualifications in the fields of economic development, economics, business management 2 Experience working in humanitarian settings 3 At least 5 years of livelihoods or markets based experience 4 Experience working in Uganda is preferred 5 Experience with DFID or other donor funded programmes will be an added advantage

We request applicants to submit their latest CV and give an indication of professional daily fee rate and confirmation of start date.

All communication should be sent

Deadline is 5:30 p.m. Kampala, Uganda, time, March 3, 2017.
