Living Project End line Project Evaluation – Kampala – International Rescue Committee

1. Organization description
Founded in 1933, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) is one of the largest humanitarian agencies in the world, providing relief, rehabilitation and post-conflict reconstruction support to victims of oppression and violent conflict. In Uganda, the IRC serves populations affected by conflict in Northern Uganda, Karamoja region, Kiryandongo and Kampala. The IRC implements programs in the sectors of Health, Child and Youth Protection and Development, Governance, Peace Building, Economic Recovery and Development, and Women’s Protection and Empowerment.

2. Project description
The IRC with funding from Stichting Vluchteling (SV) is implementing an EA$IER Living project aimed at reducing vulnerability of refugee and host community women in Kampala, to Gender Based Violence (GBV). The programme aims at strengthening access to economic and social opportunities, improved decision making in Households and access to GBV services in Kampala, as a strategy to reduce vulnerability of target groups to GBV. The 1 year project is being implemented in the districts of Kampala. The project focuses on 4 intervention areas:
• Increased participation of refugee and host community women in VSLA groups in Kampala district through capacity building on VSLA process, provision of financial grants to groups to increase their access to capital and loans.
• Increased refugee and host community engagement in skills trainings/mentorships for successful businesses in Kampala district through CEFE business skills trainings and mentorships.
• Increase the Refugee and host community access to information and response services for GBV in their communities in Kampala district through GBV awareness discussions, provision of GBV pocket books and training of health workers on Clinical Care of Sexual Assault survivor (CCSAS).
• Increase the refugee women’s skills and knowledge to participate in household decision making activities through trainings on an eight part Discussion Group series module.
Purpose of the End line Project Evaluation
In order to determine the project’s impact/changes to the beneficiaries, the end of project survey will determine the project impact/changes to the beneficiaries and give IRC direction for future programming. The findings will be compared with those of the household mapping survey conducted at the beginning of this project in 2012 to assess changes in the target groups that are a result of the project.

The aim of the assignment is therefore to
1. To determine the effectiveness of the interventions activities for achieving project aims
2. To establish the impact of the program on the individual VSLA members.
3. To establish improvement in the lives of the participating group members as per the previous assessment conducted in 2012
4. To provide recommendations which the project can use to enhance future IRC interventions for women

3. Scope
The survey will be conducted in Kampala in randomly selected project areas. It will make reference to various project documents such as: the project proposal, log frame, household asset mapping assessment and any other available document deemed necessary. It is expected that at the conclusion of the assessment, the consultant will include recommendation to inform future programming.

4. Methodology
The end line survey will include the use of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Secondary data collection using various project documents and any other key resources will be deemed important

5. Deliverables
• An end line survey report which will include specific documentation of project impact and recommendations for future programming .
• Stakeholder workshop to present findings
6. Duration of the consultancy, start date and work plan
The end line survey is expected to last a duration of three weeks in March 2016.

7. Requirements
The consultant must have the following.
1. Post graduate qualifications in Development studies, Social Sciences, with evidence of having undertaking gender studies.
2. Demonstrated and extensive experience in project monitoring and evaluation experience in Gender Programming. Knowledge of and experience in evaluating VSLA programming is a plus.
3. Experienced in planning and carrying out surveys including training teams, analysing data and report writing
4. Demonstrated experience with conducting qualitative research methods.
5. Prior experience working in conflict and post conflict settings.
6. Knowledge and experience working in Kampala and ability to speak the local language will be an added advantage.
7. Previous experience working with IRC on similar assignments is an added advantage
8. Must provide samples of previous work and references
Please submit technical and financial proposals to by 5pm Monday 7th March 2016
