MoH Help Desk and Hotline Services Monitor – Kampala – UN Children’s Fund

This position of MoH Health Systems Monitor is charged with routine system and activity monitoring for mTrac, providing technical support to national and district level capacity building around electronic HMIS and ICT skills, and providing stop gap support for specific components of the National Call Centre and National Technical Help Desk (which are anticipated to be set-up in the next two to four years) deemed critical for ongoing DHIS2 and mTrac activities. The scope of work for the MoH Health Systems Monitor covers first line support to all 112 districts, partners and national stakeholders.
The consultant will be charged with the following responsibilities:
• Manage the MoH’s virtual Help Desk, providing on-call real time technical and capacity building support to relevant government staff at the National, District and Health Facility levels.
i. Ensure that the virtual Help Desk is available between 9-5pm, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
ii. Provide first line response to all electronic HMIS (mTrac and DHIS2) technical queries and request for support from system users, and monitoring follow-up for issues referred to other MoH and partner staff.
iii. Ensure that all district inquiries on the daily challenges faced of DHIS2 are responded to.
iv. Ensure that all Call Centre phone and email requests are promptly followed up, and that mechanisms are in place for issue tracking and monitoring of quality of response.
v. Establish and document quality assurance and control processes for handling inquiries and for issue tracking.
vi. Monitorand provide regular feedback on network support required for DHIS2 and mTrac systems in all 112 districts, and providing immediate feedback to the MoH, District and partners in the event of challenges.
vii. Develop and disseminate resources for continuous capacity building, including a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) guide and response templates, for commonly reported issues.
viii. Clearly document key issues reported to the Help Desk on a monthly basis, and provide a summary report to the MoH, mTrac TWG and UNICEF.
ix. When requested, support integration of virtual Help Desk into the National Health Services Call Centre.
• Routine eHMIS Monitoring and Support
i. Provide routine feedback to MoH, eHMIS PMU, UNICEF and WHO on end-user (ie DHTs, Health Facility Staff) interactions with mTrac, including any bugs, reporting mistakes, data quality issues, and recommendations for improvement. Provide routine feedback to end users (including DHTs) on status and resolution of these issues.
ii. Work with appropriate MoH/RC staff to support routine data and registry (facility and user) audits for the mTrac system, documenting any system, registry or data abnormalities, and work with appropriate technical staff (systems administrators, database administrators, and software engineers) to assist in solving any issues. Provide routine feedback to end users (including DHTs) on status and resolution of these issues.
iii. Provide weekly mTrac HMIS performance summaries via SMS to all registered mTrac users.
iv. Support UNICEF District Programme Officers with monthly updates by District to target monitoring, support supervision and follow-up activities.
• Daily monitoring of the mTrac Anonymous Hotline Dashboard, including
i. Oversee the review, categorization and translation of messages, including response to reports that require more information. All messages should be reviewed within 24 hours on workdays and 48 hours on non-workdays.
ii. Coordinate with the MoH/RC, MHU, DHTs, mTrac TWG, and relevant partners to forward any sensitive or critical issues requiring follow-up, and track response.
iii. Develop monthly reports for each District, with detailed quantitative statistics, trending topics, comparisons with other Districts, and individual messages from users highlighting key issues.
iv. Working with HMU, develop monthly analysis of DHT and other Action Centre follow-up and response to Hotline reports, including trend analysis of any changes in response over time. Provide or support provision of feedback to MoH, eHealth TWG, mTrac TWG and relevant partners.
• eCommunications, Surveys and Polling
i. Serve as MoH RC focal point for any poll survey requests using the MoH approved SOP on eCommunications, including developing and managing a calendar of requests, cleaning and aggregating data, supporting dissemination of data as required, and documenting follow-up. Additionally, results of all poll surveys should be SMSed back to end users, along with any relevant updates.
• During Integrated Child Health Days (ICHDs) Campaign Periods, provide the following:
i. On request represent MoH RC on the ICHDs MOH Nutrition Program M&E TWG
ii. Working with the Regional Child Health days Teams; ensure the capture of all district campaign data in the Monthly OPD 105 attains the 75% national reporting rate coverage.
iii. Identify issues with reporting rates and data quality, and alert relevant government and partner focal points for follow-up. Conduct follow-up monitoring on the effectiveness of interventions intended to address these issues.
iv. As required, provide support and capacity building to all stakeholders involved in ICHDs to further promote quality data collection and usage.
• Provide back-up support to relevant MoH RC activities, including;
i. When requested, support HMIS data utilization and stakeholder buy-in within the MoH, including active participation in mTracfrom all relevant MoH departments.
ii. When requested, support HMIS and Health systems related trainings both planned and When requested, implemented as per requests from all technical programs, implementing and developing partners.
iii. When requested, provide field level support and capacity building to, Regional Performance teams DHTs, Health Facilities and partners for eHMIS.
iv. When requested, update /edit content on the MoH content portal, website, and develop advocacy and publicity materials.
v. When requested, support creation of content for MoH website. Provide monthly summary of all content updates to the MoH mTrac TWG and UNICEF.
• As part of MoH/RC, develop and update project documents and participate in MoH and UNICEF annual reviews in mTrac and the MOH FHD/ CHD+ campaigns as needed. 3. Areas to be Considered
Consultant will serve as a secondee to the MoH, filling a position within the eHealth TWG endorsed draft HR organogram for the proposed MoH Department of Health Information upgraded from the current Resource Centre. While efforts are underway to formally create these positions within MoH structures, it is expected to take at least 3-5 years, with HDP support required in the interim. The UNICEF Health SystemsStrengthening Specialist will provide overall supervision to the consultant, with day-to-day oversight by the Assistant Commissioner Resource Centre, Ministry of Health.
Expected Deliverables and time frame
Task 1: Analyze and disseminate performance indicators for HMIS 033B and the Anonymous Hotline.Deliverable 1: Send targeted, succinct SMS messages to DHO’s, HCs, and local government
Task 2: Support Help Desk and Analysis of Anonymous Hotline. Deliverable 2: Provide summary and basic analytics of messages received from the Help Desk and Hotline, including tracking of “closure” rate. Send targeted, succinct emails to DHO’s, HCs, and local government with analysis of Hotline reports.
Task 3: Develop resources, including templates, for commonly reported issues. Deliverable 3: Draft MoH approved Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) guide and response templates, for commonly reported issues through both the Help Desk and Hotline.
Task 4: Provide guidance to ensure to District Health Teams to ensure the accuracy of the current mTrac Health worker registry. This will entail providing direct support and recommendations to districts and develop an SOP for user registeration and bio data management for the Ministry of Health. Deliverable 4: Provide 3-5 page detailed analysis of the accuracy of the current health worker registry, and draft and circulate MoH approved SOP’s and recommendations to DHOs.
Task 5: Conduct analysis of how effectively the MoH LCD screens are being used to disseminate information and create accountability for action, and develop recommendations for improvement. Work with MoH to develop revised strategy, identify focal point, SOP and monitoring system around improving content management and publishing. Deliverable 5: Provide 3-5 page detailed analysis of the usage and effectiveness of the MoH LCD screens, and submit SOP’s and recommendations on improved LCD screen usage to relevant departments at the MoH for review and endorsement.
Task 6: Provide summary analysis of polls conducted, results, actions taken and human interest stories in the format of a publishable document to be used for advocacy. Deliverable 6: Provide a 2 page, polished document presenting mTrac polling successes. Consult closely with the MoH and UNICEF Communications during development.
Task 7: Conduct deep quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Anonymous Hotline, with a focus on clearly articulating what results the programme is having on improving the situation of women and children, performance metrics and strengthening MoH and UNICEF supported programmes. Deliverable 7: Provide 5-10 page report, articulating the results the Hotline is having on improving the situation of women and children, and strengthening MoH and UNICEF supported programmes. Additionally, provide annex analyzing time taken between message received, message sent to action centre, and resolution (if solved). This should be of publishable quality.Task 8: Conduct analysis of Help Desk usage, including types of issues identified, capacity of MoH and partners to respond, turn-around time of response, and cases resolved. Deliverable 8: Provide 3-5 page analytical report analyzing types of issues raised and ability of MoH and partners to resolve. Provide annex with all cases reported, turn-around time, and resolution.
Desired background qualification and experience and competencies

It is required that consultant has:
• Any combination of education and training equivalent to possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Information Communications Technology, that demonstrates the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities as described.
• A Minimum of 7 years progressive working experience with mTrac and / or DHIS2
• Excellent system administration skills, including Word, PowerPoint and Excel, and is comfortable using web based content management sites, databases and information portals
• Excellent communication skills
• Fluency in written English
It is highly recommended that the Candidate has:
• knowledge of Ugandan national and local health structures and environment
• fluency in at least 2 Ugandan national languages, including Luganda
It is advantageous for the candidate have:
• experience with SMS-based campaigns, mobile phone or other technology applications
• experience working with call centres and computerized case management systems
• knowledge of environment in which UNICEF operates, and understanding of the constraints of working in a developing-world environment

Additionally, the candidate must be:
• willing to live in Kampala, Uganda.
• It is expected that the Consultant will already reside in Uganda, and will not be eligible for an airline ticket or DSA upon start of the contract.
• The consultant will be seconded to the MoH, and as such, will not work from the UNICEF Office or require a computer, access to phone lines, etc.
• Consultant is responsible for his/her own health insurance. Consultant will be required to sign the health statement for consultants/individual contractor prior to taking up the assignment, and to document that they have appropriate health insurance, if applicable.
• This consultancy will likely require significant travel within Uganda. Consultant will receive standard DSA for any in- or out-of-country travel, and is authorized to take UNICEF transport if the Supervisor approves travel.
• The consultancy will not commence unless a contract is signed by both UNICEF and the consultant.
• Consultant will not have supervisory responsibility within UNICEF, nor responsibilities on UNICEF budget and other resources.
• Consultant will arrange her/his own accommodation when needed.
• Consultant is not entitled to payment of overtime. All remuneration must be within the contract agreement.
• It is expected that Consultant will be available in Uganda for the entire consultancy period. This position should be considered a full-time assignment. A month is defined as 21 working days, and fees are prorated accordingly. Consultants are not paid additional fees for work on weekends or public holidays.

Applicants interested in the above position should send their Applications accompanied by a resume and P11 Form Via email to:, clearly indicating the position applied for and using the specified order to name attachments (Firstname_Lastname followed by document e.g. First name_Last Name P11 or First name_Last Name CV or First name_Last Name Application.
• ONLY Ugandan Nationals will be considered for this Assignment
• UNICEF is committed to gender equality in its mandate and its staff; qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
• UNICEF is a smoke free environment.
• Only short listed candidates will be contacted. • Closing date for applications is 26 August 2015.
