Multi – Sectorial Assessment – Kampala – Action Against Hunger-USA

1.1.Key dates of the consultancy
Planned starting date:1st July 2015 Planned end date: 15th August 2015 Submission of draft report: 4th August 2015 Submission of final report: 15th August 2015.
1.2.Language of the consultancy
Required language for the consultancy:English Language of the report: English

2.1 Introduction
ACF mission operations[1] exclusively address nutrition and livelihoods needs of South Sudanese and host communities in northern Uganda. Past efforts to diversify and develop additional program elements have been weak and unsuccessful. Intuitively, the mission estimates there are other needs relevant to ACF’s skills and experience. Yet the mission lacks an overall mapping of needs or donor interests. Furthermore, ACF has had only limited success in networking with local and national Governmental bodies, other aid organizations or communities and this lack of engagement in partnerships may be a constraint towards ACF developing a new operational strategy and repositioning itself in relation to needs and opportunities.
2.2 General objective:
Produce a status report of both humanitarian and development needs and funding opportunities relevant for ACF in Uganda, including provisional recommendations regarding the added value of ACF programming.
3 Specific objectives:
3.1 Nutrition
3.1.1 Develop a map of nutrition needs in Uganda according to both:
a) Geographic region
b) Urban, rural and refugee populations
c) Institutional capacity
Presenting collated sourced data from Govt., UNICEF, UNHCR and other agencies
3.1.2 Develop a map of donor interests and conditions for nutrition interventions[2], taking into account what other partners are already implementing and considering a gender sensitive approach
3.1.3 Present recommendations, in outline, for potential ACF intervention and/or follow up investigation.
3.1.4 Subject to confirmation with ACF HQ nutrition adviser and Mission level Country Director, conduct in-depth assessment of population needs and operational opportunity in one location.
3.2 WASH
3.2.1 Develop a map of WASH needs in Uganda according to:
a) Geographic region
b) Chronic needs of Uganda urban and rural populations
c) Refugee populations
Presenting collated sourced data from Govt., UNICEF, UNHCR and other agencies
3.2.2 Develop a map of donor interests and conditions for WASH interventions, taking into account what other partners are already implementing and considering a gender sensitive approach
3.2.3 Present recommendations, in outline, for potential ACF intervention and/or follow up investigation.
3.3 Food Security and Livelihoods
3.3.1 Develop a map of food security and livelihoods needs in Uganda according to both:
a) Geographic region
b) Urban, rural and refugee populations
Presenting collated sourced data from Govt., UNICEF, UNHCR and other agencies
3.3.2 Develop a map of donor interests and conditions for food security interventions, taking into account what other partners are already implementing and considering a gender sensitive approach
3.3.3 Present recommendations, in outline, for potential ACF intervention and/or follow up investigation.
3.4 Disaster/Emergency Risk and Preparedness
Compile a disaster risk mapping per district based upon available information from Prime Minister’s Office and other national authorities. This to describe key needs, availability of committed contingency resources and identified gaps relevant to nutrition, WASH and food security.
3.4 Donors and Partnerships
3.4.1 Develop a map of institutional donors supporting nutrition sensitive programming in Uganda, detailing current and forecast ambitions, levels of funding support and funding mechanisms
3.4.2 Develop a map of donors for resilience, FSL and WASH.
3.4.3 Develop a map of Governmental bodies in Uganda with operational responsibilities for nutrition sensitive programming. Detail the respective functioning and key initiatives of these bodies at national and local levels.
3.4.3 Develop a map of UNITED NATIONS organizations present in Uganda detailing the level of funding and/or support for nutrition sensitive programing
3.4.4 Develop a map of Non-Governmental Organizations with substantial nutrition sensitive programming in Uganda. This should include investigation of less traditional NGO actors and in particular those who are introducing innovative approaches.
3.4.5 Assess the existence and functioning of coordination fora for nutrition sensitive programming.
3.5 General
3.5.1 Briefly identify key operational constraints and conditioning factors which impact or potentially impact ACF operations in Uganda, including logistics, finance, security management and HR
3.5.2 Identify through discussion with current and past (if available) key mission and HQ personnel to understand rationale for key decisions and to capture the reflections from such individuals how ACF might have undertaken different programs and taken different decisions to maintain or strengthen operational space in Uganda and to suggest where there may be potential to exploit in future.
4 Supervisory Responsibility
This consultancy is managed by the ACF Ugandan Country Director. All substantial changes to the scope should be agreed in advance with ACF Uganda Technical Coordinator and New York Uganda Technical Pool.
Users of the consultancy
ACFTechnical adviser HQ Desk officer Mission Country Director, Field Coordinator, Technical Team, Support Team Others Local Partners, donors
Expected results
The result of this evaluation should be presented in a written report and through several oral presentations:
• One on the mission (to Multi-Sectrol Assessment of Needs and Opportunities in Uganda of Mission and relevant technical staff)
• One at HQ (in person or via teleconference).
Prior to the evaluation taking place, the evaluator is expected to attend a briefing at HQ level, and at field level with the Multi-Sectrol Assessment of Needs and Opportunities in Uganda Mission and/or the relevant technical focal point. Briefings by telephone must be agreed in advance.
Activities in the field
Consultants are expected to collect an appropriate range of data. This includes (but not limited to):
• Direct information:Interviews with beneficiaries – Visit to project sites and to the facilities provided to the beneficiaries
• Indirect information: Interviews with local representatives; interviews with project staff expatriate and national staff; meeting with local authorities, groups of beneficiaries, humanitarian agencies, donor representatives and other stakeholders. For indirect data collection, standard and participatory evaluation methods are expected to be used (HH interviews with beneficiaries, non-beneficiaries, key informants – Multi-Sectrol Assessment of Needs and Opportunities in Uganda the health workers, teachers and leaders)
• Secondary information analysis: including analysis of project monitoring data or of any other relevant statistical data.
At the end of the MULTI-SECTROL ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN UGANDA study, the consultant will have produced a final report. It will include an executive summary as well as sections on the background and context, the methodology of work, all analyses, relevant models and descriptions of diets calculated, (including their costs and affordability) and recommendations that can be used to direct future integrated programming, including detailed ideas on how families in the area studied can access nutritious diets, as well as conclusions, a bibliography and necessary annexes etc.
In addition to the written report, the consultant will share findings with ACF and other stakeholders at the local level and the national level.
The report shall follow the following format.
• Cover Page
• Table of Contents
• Executive Summary: must be a standalone summary, describing the programme, main findings of the evaluation, and conclusions and recommendations. This will be no more than 2 pages in length.
• Main Body: The main body of the report shall elaborate the points listed in the Executive Summary. It will include references to the methodology used for the evaluation and the context of the action. In particular, for each key conclusion there should be a corresponding recommendation. Recommendations should be as realistic, operational and pragmatic as possible; that is, they should take careful account of the circumstances currently prevailing in the context of the action, and of the resources available to implement it both locally and in the commissioning HQ. Annexes: Listed and correctly numbered. Format for the main body of the report is:
• Background Information
• Methodology
• Findings & Discussions
• Conclusions Recommendations
Qualified Candidates will possess the following:
• Master degree in food security, economics, health or a related field
• Team training, capacity building and management skills
• Proficient in Microsoft Office
• Excellent written and spoken English or willingness to work with an interpreter.
• Strong communication and presentation skills
• Previous experience working in low-resource settings
• Flexibility, cultural sensitivity and adaptability
• Previous experience in the UGANDA and previous experience with ACF desirable
• To have a Multi-Sectrol Assessment of Needs and Opportunities in Uganda the insurance policy, and details of the coverage to be shared with ACF before departure.
• The consultant is responsible for ensuring he/she has a valid visa before entering UGANDA:
o The consultant is responsible for acquiring and paying for their entry visa(s) to UGANDA prior to arrival. The cost of the visa(s) will be reimbursed by ACF UGANDA, upon presentation of receipt(s). An invitation letter will be provided and paid for by ACF UGANDA to assist the consultant in acquiring the entry visa. Be aware the UGANDA visa process can be long and requests anticipation (1 to 3 weeks for invitation letter, up to 2 weeks for the visa itself).
o If there is no UGANDA Embassy in the consultant’s country of residence, the mission will be responsible for acquiring and paying for the entry visa (visa volant). The process for acquiring a visa volant is complicated and time consuming.
• His or her own computer.
• The Consultant is responsible for any and all administrative costs that do not derive from ACF’s responsibility (for example: passport renewal, photos, penalties or administrative fees related to prior stays in UGANDA, among others.)
• The Consultant is responsible to cover the costs of his or her food during the stay in UGANDA. If meals are taken at the ACF guesthouses, then the Consultant will have to reimburse ACF based on the daily rate for the corresponding ACF base.
• The accommodation in Uganda will be provided for and covered by ACF. Transport in UGANDA and the other costs directly related to the consultancy (daily workers, local translator, etc.) will be covered by ACF
The ownership of the draft and final documentation belong to the agency and the funding donor exclusively. The document, or publication related to it, will not be shared with anybody except ACF before the delivery by ACF of the final document to the donor.
ACF is to be the main addressee of the evaluation and its results might impact on both operational and technical strategies. This being said, ACF is likely to share the results of the evaluation with the following groups:
• Donor(s)
• Governmental partners
• Various co-ordination bodies
Intellectual Property Rights
All documentation related to the Assignment (whether or not in the course of the evaluator’s duties) shall remain the sole and exclusive property of ACF.
[1]A description of current and past interventions is detailed in annex 1.
[2]Resilience is seen as a cross-cutting element, applicable to all three ACF sectors: nutrition, WASH and food security/livelihoods.

Interested parties must submit their applications by email referenced under title;
Multi-Sectrol Assessment of Needs and Opportunities in Uganda
Deadline for submission: Monday 22nd June 2015 at 17.00 (GMT+3).
Consultants are requested to submit a proposal with a cover letter and must mention their expected total remuneration for this assignment.

Applications should include:
• A proposal to the above Terms of Reference including methodology, schedule, budget.
• A financial offer including daily fees in US Dollars
• Up-to-date curriculum vitae(s) of the lead consultant and relevant team members (if any),
• Evidence of past experience in undertaking similar assignments (three most recent documents preferred) of similar works done,
• Three (3) references of previous assignments.

Only shortlisted applications will be contacted.
The final selection will be done by Action Against Hunger USA
For more information, prospective consultants may contact Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (GMT+3) at the following email address or by phone:
