Rapid Environmental Assessment – Danish Refugee Council

1. General Background
Danish Refugee Council is a private non-profit making international humanitarian organization. DRC has been operational in Uganda since 1997. DRC focuses mainly on refugees and refugee hosting geographical areas of the country. In West Nile, DRC supports South Sudanese and Congolese refugees in Rhino camp, Koboko and Adjumani settlements.
Livelihood and Environment sector support for resilience and self-reliance is one core intervention that DRC promotes to ensure food security, livelihood development, environmental conservation and protection. However, there is lack of sufficient information on the state of Environment and other important documentation which can assist in effective programming especially in the settlement.

The hired consultant will undertake Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) using globally accepted methodologies; identify influencing environmental factors and their implication on the environment; understand environmental situation and their vulnerability context; environmental impacts of relief activities in the settlement and catchment areas and final recommendations for action.

• Develop detailed work plan and budget for the consultancy.
• Undertake desk reviewing of similar works in refugee operation (gathering information about the operation).
• Develop the sample size/framework and assessment planning.
• Develop assessment tools (The tools should be shared with Head of Program and Environment technical team and approved before use).
• Develop logistics plan.
• Identify enumerators and train them.
• Undertake the assessment in Rhino camp settlement.
• Analyze data collected.
• Identify solutions.
• Present preliminary findings (draft report) for validation by technical team.
• Writing the detailed final report including key recommendations.

A final report in English is developed within agreed timeframe. The report should be concise and limited to significant issues and should not be more than 30 pages maximum excluding annexes and references endorsed by the technical team. The main text should focus on the findings, conclusions and recommended actions, supported by relevant summaries of data collected and citations for any references used in interpreting those data. **
The report should be organized according to the outline as follows: For the rapid assessment: 1. Table of content 2. Executive summary 3. Background information 4. Assessment methodology and process 5. Findings reflective of techniques of data analysis. 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 7. Appendices 8. List of References. Detailed or an uninterpreted data or other supporting materials should not be included in the main text, but may be included in an annex where appropriate. **

The Consultancy will be managed by the Head of Programs with Support of the Senior M&E Officer.
At field level, the Environment Officer, Livelihood and Gender coordinator will be in charge of coordinating and guiding the data collection activities.
The Senior M&E Officer coordinates the consultancy and the field team and takes part in the identification of a consultant, development of assessment tools and planning of the assessment.

• University degree in areas of Forestry, Environment Management, Natural Resources Management, Agriculture, Rural Development, etc).
• Experience in Environment and Energy assessments preferably in Uganda.
• Familiarity with established assessment and analytical tools is desirable in the expert’s specialty (e.g. Sustainable livelihoods framework; Socio-economic profiling etc).
• Good understanding of the context of refugee operation.
• Familiarity with community-based and participatory approaches, including rural appraisal techniques.
• Fluent in English, Strong in writing, analytical and communication skills.

Application and CV
Applications should be in English and include the following:
1. A cover letter (1 page) in which you express interest and how you meet the qualities and qualifications criteria
2. Work plan and Financial proposal
3. Concise and accurate CV (maximum 3 pages). The CV should include information about your qualification, consultancies previously completed, name and contact details of 3 relevant references.
The deadline for submission of applications is the 27th March 2016. All applications should be sent to administrator@drcuganda.org
