Vital Strategies (VS), based in New York City, is an international public health organization. We develop and oversee programs to strengthen public health systems and address leading causes of morbidity and mortality, providing expertise in project implementation and management, strategic communications, epidemiology and surveillance, and other core public health capacities. Our specific programs include road safety, obesity prevention, tobacco control, and activities to strengthen public health data systems and the use of public health data to guide policy and decision-making. Activities are based in low and middle income countries and cities in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific. Please visit our website at to find out more about our work. VS is an independent affiliate of The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).
In addition to many other aspects of its work, the TREAT TB project has a focus on capacity building. In FY 2014-17, TREAT TB will facilitate the hiring of several in-country consultants who will act as advisors for National TB Programs, focusing specifically on TB technical issues and the successful implementation of Global Fund (GF) grants. This posting is advertised for an in-country advisor for Uganda. The need for this long-term technical assistance is in response to the recent changes at the Global Fund with the roll out of its new funding model, and the need to accelerate TB prevention and care activities. This position will have a focus on MDR-TB topics, including detection, treatment, prevention and introduction of new tools and treatments. Also, the advisor will support the NTP in developing set of documents required for the 2018-2020 cycle of the GF New Funding Model.
USAID, as the lead US Government agency for international TB, has developed a technical assistance model to ensure that TB programs are successfully implemented; to improve coordination between partners; to build country capacity; and to ensure that the greatest challenges in TB prevention and control are met. TREAT TB will support this model by facilitating the hiring of in-country consultants. The NTP and USAID will be responsible for the technical oversight of these consultants and their assigned work.
The Senior Technical Advisor position is based in Uganda. The goal of the USAID in-country advisor activity is to provide technical expertise and guidance to the National Tuberculosis Program in Uganda related to the implementation of the Global Fund grant for TB control and to provide technical expertise in selected TB and MDR-TB technical areas. In addition, the advisor, in partnership with NTP staff, will identify programmatic challenges that may require external assistance, and work with the USAID Mission in Uganda and a US-based team with a wide range of TB, MDR TB, and GF-related experience to provide technical support through in-country visits and frequent communication.
The Advisor shall support the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Program (NTLP) in GF Grant implementation and NTLP implementation activities listed below.
1.NTLP coordination and GF grant implementation support activities:
· Work with MOH programs (NTLP), and other partners, monitor the progress of grant implementation through field visits; review and analyze GF grant data and performance reports submitted to the GF and other partners; identify any issues that may lead to disbursement delays and suggest appropriate solutions.
· Organize regular discussions with the GF country team, NTLP, USAID, and other country stakeholders to ensure alignment of technical approaches in the respective TB portfolios.
· Identify any TB or GF-related technical assistance (TA) needs that the NTLP may have, and work with USAID and other partners to provided required TA.
· Improve capacity of in-country partners to effectively implement GF grants through targeted technical assistance.
· Provide timely technical advice to the NTLP on implementation of the grant targets and outputs
· Provide continuous in-country day-to-day support to the NTLP on National Strategic Program (NSP) priorities.
· On bi-weekly basis, attend an in-person meeting with NTLP and/or USAID Mission staff, unless on project-related travel approved by NTLP or USAID, or the NTLP and USAID Mission agree that no meeting is necessary.
· Travel as necessary and to be determined by NTLP and USAID.
2.Capacity building activities:
· Support the national roll-out of shortened treatment regimen (STR) and new drugs (ND) for DR- TB (pediatric and adult) training curricula, guidelines, SOPs and protocols. This will involve support training activities to the regions and districts team.
· Build capacity of the national, regional and district TB focal persons and health workers on the clinical management of DR TB through regular mentorship and support supervisory visits.
· Provide monthly on-site technical support to health workers at the DR TB ward in Mulago hospital and at least once year to all the other DR TB treatment sites.
· Provide TA to the NTLP and DR TB treatment sites on prevention of DR TB, contact tracing and addressing loss to follow-up.
· Support NTLP coordination of the PMDT TWG ensuring regular TWG meetings are conducted as per agreed schedule and recommended actions are followed up by partners.
· Provide TA and guidance to decentralize program activities to increase coverage of diagnosis and programmatic management of drug resistant TB (PMDT) throughout the country.
· Support the NTLP to strengthen the ambulatory model of care by reinforcing the linkages between DR TB treatment sites, follow-up treatment sites and patient communities.
· Advise and provide support for the development of an infection control strategy for DR TB.
· Guide of improved use of Xpert and patient linkages and treatment access for improved treatment reporting of all diagnosed cases. Also support development of Xpert rollout and maintenance.
· Support setting a system to capture reporting of all diagnosed DR TB patients through Xpert and culture mechanism to ensure they are started on appropriate treatment. Also support planning for DRS survey.
· Support NTLP to ensure the National DR TB technical panel timely review the DR cases and make recommendations for further case management and the panel support health care workers make critical decisions in the care and management of DR TB.
· Work with NTLP to identify TA support to strengthen the capacity for reporting and management of severe adverse events (SAEs) from STR/ND through implementation of WHO-recommended active TB drug monitoring and management (aDSM) system.
3.Monitoring and Evaluation:
· Support NTLP/NTRL to improve DR TB surveillance for diagnosis and follow up efforts by strengthening the National sample referral and results return system and supporting the roll-out of GXAlert platform to monitor and link to treatment all diagnosed cases.
· Support planning and successful DR TB cohort reviews every 6 months to cover all cohorts on treatment.
· Support the NTLP and partners to improve the quality of PMDT program throughout the country, to meet National indicators and conform to WHO recommendations and indicators.
4.TB Commodities Supply Chain Management:
· Support the quantification teams to ensure TB commodities (FLD, SLD, GeneXpert cartridges and other supplies) are prioritized for procurement. Liaise with GF, GDF, USAID and other partners involved in TB commodities management for information and updates about procurement/supply chain related issues.
· Support NTLP with follow up of TB commodities stock status, orders status with GDF and other suppliers to ensure stock outs are avoided or minimized.
• Submit a technical monthly progress report reviewed by the NTLP Program Manager to USAID staff. Report template and instructions will be provided by USAID.
• Twice annually, submit a monitoring and evaluation report reviewed by the NTLP Manager to USAID staff. Report template and instructions will be provided by USAID.
• Participate in regular conference calls with USAID staff; frequency will be determined by USAID staff.
The consultant must have:
· University degree in Medicine or Public Health
· At least 5 years of experience in TB field;10 years is preferred
· Familiarity with the Global Fund procedures and implementation. Experience with the implementation of the GF grants in the capacity of a PR is desirable
· Regional experience in TB control programs
· Excellent coordination and facilitation skills
· Sensitivity to cross-cultural issues
· Demonstrated experience in high level policy dialogue and diplomacy
· Sound analytical and negotiation skills
· Good English language skills
· Ability to relocate to Uganda for at least one year
At least 1 year with possible extension
Salary will be based on commensurate experience and earnings history
Duty station: National Public Health Institute under the MOH, TB Office, Kampala, Uganda
All applicants are encouraged to apply for this position by e-mailing a cover letter and brief CV describing their qualifications and experience to Samantha Kozikott at