To Develop A Community Step By Step Guide – Gulu – Trócaire Uganda

1 Project background
In 2016, the Trócaire Uganda office secured a second grant from the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) to implement an 18-month research project entitled “Instituting the Protection of Rights to Customary Land in Acholi”. The project is being implemented by Trócaire in partnership with the Joint Acholi Sub Region Leaders Forum (JASLF), which provides technical guidance and support through the Technical Committee and the JASLF Secretariat. The goal of the project is to strengthen the security of customary and communal land tenure in Acholiland, through piloting new approaches based on research, consultation and advocacy.
The current project follows on a first phase of research in 2015-16; the project implementation period is 18 months, from July 2016 to December 2017.
2 Background to the assignment
It was not until 2008, two years after the civil war ended in Northern Uganda that the communities started experiencing some semblance of peace and the people of Acholi began in large numbers to leave Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) camps and to resettle their pre-displacement land or go elsewhere. Over the first four or five years from then, this process was accompanied by numerous land-related problems and challenges, including land disputes, land grabbing and boundary conflicts ranging from among individuals, households/families, to clans and in some cases with the neighbouring tribes.
The violent civil war and the subsequent period of economic development in Acholiland both contributed to the disruption of traditional systems of land management. The impact of this has been under researched. To contribute to the protection rights to customary land ownership within Acholiland, the project intends to develop a community step by step guide to land dispute resolution that the clans can integrate in their land management systems.
Phase I of this research project found that across all the chiefdoms, the actors most successful in resolving conflict are traditional leaders, with only occasional involvement from local council leadership and little or none at higher levels or through the formal legal system. The latter is perceived to exist for the rich and powerful whilst the former is free, accessible and representative of the Acholi people.
However, the traditional system is also imperfect, as highlighted in Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in the first phase of this project, with reports that clan leadership wasn’t always fair in its judgement, was vulnerable to corruption and was itself affected by deep historical notions and modern conceptions of women’s place in society. Therefore, to enhance the capacity of targeted chiefdoms and Land Holding Groups (LHGs)/clans, trainings will be provided to prominent members within clan
leadership structures on land conflict resolution mechanisms, including measures to ensure the protection of vulnerable members.
This will be attained by ensuring that the community guide to land dispute resolution developed includes specific sections on barriers to protection of land rights for people with a disability whilst also highlighting the traditional mechanisms that exist within the Acholi culture to overcome these. It is hoped that this guide will act as a road map for each LHG to develop their own clan specific plans to resolve any future land disputes/conflicts.
3 Objectives of the assignment
a) To produce a nuanced, yet straightforward and accessible, Step-by-Step Guide on the processes to land dispute/conflict resolution in Acholi in both traditional and formal legal systems.
b) To provide details of the key institutions/roles and where available people for each of the the identified process of land dispute resolution in the guide.
c) To indentify specific land conflict issues and the processes of resolutions for women, youth, people with a disability and other identified marginalised groups in the guide.
d) To ensure that local stakeholders are actively consulted in the design process of the guide.
e) To conduct a one day training of trainers (ToT) to field researchers and other identified stakeholders on the guide; explaining how it should be used practically to help solve land related conflicts/disputes resolutions in communites at all levels and at varying magnitudes.
4 Tasks
a) Design a clear plan including tools, timelines etc for this consultancy based on the TOR and the submitted technical proposal.
b) Carry out a review of literature and documents on existing guides relating to land dispute resolution including existing dispute resolution guides pertaining to land related conflicts/disputes.
c) Write a relevant, straightforward and easily understandable document clearly articulating the steps necessary to resolve different forms of land conflicts/disputes.
d) Actively consult with key stakeholders in the design of the guide.
e) Conduct a feedback workshop with key stakeholders on the draft guide and incorporate comments from the feedback workshop into the final draft of guide.
f) Conduct a 1 day ToT for the field researchers on the practical use of the guide.
g) Write a final consultancy report on the assignment for DGF project team. The report should include sections on the deliverables, the challanges encountered and possible remedies, and the lessons learnt.
5 Deliverables
a) An inception report including the methodologies, tools, timelines etc that will be used in the consultancy
b) A literature review on land dispute mechanisms especially in Northern Uganda including available guides.
c) A simple Step-by-Step Guide to the resolution of land disputes/conflicts
d) Feedback workshop with relevant stakeholders.
e) Conduct 1-day TOT training on the guide
f) Final consultancy report.
6 Management of the Consultancy
The consultant will report to the Research Coordinator while executing this assignment, and is expected to work with minimum supervision and deliver on all outputs in a timely manner. The division of responsibilities between the consultant and DGF project team are
An overview of the roles of the consultant and Trócaire are as follows:
The Consultant
a) Deliver on the activities and deliverables outlined in this TOR
b) Prepare timely reports and feedback as agreed with the Research Co-ordinator
c) Provide Trócaire with a clear timeline of activities
Project Coordinator DGF
a) To provide project background information.
b) To organise the contract and payment
c) To organise transport to necessary locations.
d) To organise logistics for the feedback meeting and TOT.
e) To provide technical support and knowledge to the consultant.
f) To supervise the work of the consultant
JASLF TC contact person
a) To organise any necessary meetings with JASLF members.
b) To set-up meetings and provide introductions to the key stakeholders that need to be interviewed for the process including chiefs, LC5s etc.
c) To provide information on key stakeholders that would need to be invited to feedback meeting.
d) To invite the key stakeholders to the feedback meeting
7 Timeline
The consultant can first deliver the step by step guide to land dispute resolution by 20th May 2017 and plan the 1 day ToT to the field researchers to happen early June. The consultancy must be completed and all deliverables submitted to Trócaire by Friday, 15th June, 2017.
The consultant should indicate if they can work within the above timeline and if not clearly indicate the timeline they are suggesting.
8 Consultant Profile
1. Advanced degree in social sciences, humanitarian, development or related fields.
2. At least 6 years of professional experience in undertaking work related to peace-building, dispute resolution, mediation
3. At least 2 years’ experience on land related dispute resolution dispute resolution.
4. Proficiency in report writing and mentoring.
5. Strong interpersonal and coaching skills.
6. Strong capacity building skills
7. Familiarity with Uganda, particularly Northern Uganda, the people, the culture and the language would be a distinct advantage.
9 Outline of consultant’s proposal

The consultant is expected to submit an Expression of Interest to Trócaire, which should include:
• A CV and profile of the consultancy firm/individual
• An understanding and interpretation of the terms of reference – an inception report to the assignment/consultancy, clearly stating a summary of approach and methodology outlining how the conflict resolution guide will be developed and training of field researchers conducted, including an implementation plan and the number of days that will be required to carry out the research.
• A detailed plan, including a budget and timetables; one on the development of the community guide to land dispute resolution and on the ToT on land rights and dispute resolution, with an indcation of the consultant’s interest in and capacity for delivering the overall plan.
• Annexes – References to an assignment you have done with other organisations of the same kind, and contacts of the persons/contacts for such organisations.
• A financial component stating your daily consultancy fees.
Please Note: Transport, accommodation, logistics, etc. will be budgeted for separately by Trócaire.

The Expression of Interest should be submitted not later than Monday, 1st May 2017, via email to , with the title of the consultancy included clearly in the subject line: Application – CONFLICT RESOLUTION CONSULTANCY imes
