Training Of Eight (8) Business Sub Sectors – International Rescue Committee – Kampala

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. The IRC has been working in Uganda since 1998 supporting nationals and refugees and various institutions in the country notably the government, community based organizations, the civil society and the private sector. The current program portfolio in Uganda includes health, peace building, gender-based violence, economic recovery and agribusiness, and children & youth. IRC has a country office in Kampala, a regional office in Kitgum, Adjumani, Kiryandongo, Yumbe and Moroto.

The IRC with funding from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) is implementing the “Strengthening Private Sector Engagement in Enterprise Development” (SPEED) project in Karamoja. Under the private sector component, the SPEED project formed 4 district level business leaders’ forums (BLFs) in south karamoja. The BLFs have been trained in leadership skills, advocacy and lobbying skills, Access to financial through savings and tradeshow preparation. The IRC would now like to deliver customised business skills packages to 8 BLF subsectors to address skills gaps amongst participating businesses in order to grow and expand their businesses.

Scope of Work:
The trainer will prepare and conduct business skills trainings the eight (8) business subsectors who are already engaged in savings group activities in Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit and Amudat districts. Specifically, the trainer will;
• Meet with IRC project team to draw an implementation plan and organize the necessary resources.
• Conduct an orientation with selected groups in order to adapt the training content
• Prepare a suitable training curriculum/manual including both business/entrepreneurship and requisite life skills modules.
• Train the 8 groups in selection, planning and management of business enterprises.
• Participate in review meetings with the IRC.
• Submit a comprehensive final training report
On the other hand, the IRC will;
• Support the trainers in mobilization of the 8 groups for the training.
• Meet with the trainers to draw an implementation plan and organize the necessary resources.
• Host the training review meeting with the provider.

The potential training provider must have the following qualifications
• Advanced degree or related qualifications in business/ enterprise development and management.
• Experience in delivering business trainings for multi-cultural and low literacy rural communities
• Demonstrated experience in developing and delivering such trainings using participatory and other practical methods (i.e. hands on business skills packages such as CEFE, SIYB, Selection-planning and management of business)
• Ability to conduct such trainings in any of Kiswahili, Ngakarimojong and or English languages. The training of the business subsectors is expected to be delivered in the both Kiswahili/English and Ngakarimojong languages. Therefore any subsequent handouts to the participants shall also be translated to Ngakarimojong

The main deliverable is the activity report after the completion of the exercise, which shall include;
• Training notes and delivery plan,
• Attendance lists,
• Some photos taken during the training,
• Baseline survey results, and
• Training evaluation and recommendations.
• Monitoring plan for all the businesses to ensure adoption of the good practices

The trainings will take place at the respective business subsectors group savings venues/meeting sites in Napak, Moroto, Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts as provided by the IRC.
Time frame:
The trainings shall be completed by the 25th of April 2017. The IRC recommends that each training session lasts between 3-4 hours/day for 5 days per group.
Any comments or clarifications regarding this TOR should be addressed to:

Interested consultants should submit technical and financial proposals, including the proposed training and activity plans to: The Supply Chain Officer (Hand Delivered), The International Rescue Committee, P.O. Box 24672 Kampala; OR Email:
