WASH Technical Officer – Borehole Construction & Rehabilitation – GOAL International

About US:
GOAL is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. GOAL Uganda country project focuses on two of GOAL’s three strategic sectors: Health (including WASH and health accountability programming); and Livelihoods. GOAL Uganda mainstreams HIV, gender, child protection and the environment/DRR across all programming. GOAL works on a district focused approach, and uses a mixture of direct implementation and partnerships with local civil society organisations, private sector partners and District Local Government to give effect to our mission.

About GOAL Uganda WASH Programme:
GOAL has been implementing WASH programs in Uganda since 2003. Historically, GOAL Uganda (GU) started implementing WASH projects in Northern Uganda (Pader District) during emergency response to the insurgency caused by Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. As the context changed in 2007 GU focused on implementing WASH to support transition and crisis recovery for vulnerable individuals returning to their homes and/or new settlements closer to their places of origin. In 2012, GU WASH programming changed from direct implementation to working through national civil society partners. Currently the GOAL’s WASH programming is operational in 5 districts including Abim, Kaabong (Karamoja – North East), Agago (Acholi – North), and Bugiri and Namayingo (Busoga – South East).

Job Summary: The WASH Technical Officer- Borehole Construction & Rehabilitation is responsible for supervising construction of new boreholes and repair of existing boreholes in Bugiri/Namayingo districts under the charity water fund. He/she will work hand in hand with the WASH manager, Programme manager and the local authority to identify suitable communities to benefit from the project using set selection criteria.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
Supervise new borehole sitting and construction:
Responsible for directing contractors to identified beneficiary villages for new borehole installations
Work with the contractor’s hydrologist in locating wells
Ensure that well tests are conducted and results are acceptable
Recommend successful completion of wells according to agreed conditions
Check and record actual depths of drilled boreholes
Ensure boreholes of specified diameter are drilled
Ensure screen used is as specified and correctly placed
Ensure sufficient and specified gravel is used
Ensure grout is placed in boreholes
Ensure sufficient borehole development
Ensure proper well development and that wells are successful
Ensure that only specified pumps are installed

Selection and repair of existing boreholes:
Ensure that suitable villages are selected to benefit from renovations of existing boreholes according to set criteria
Conduct assessments on existing boreholes to determine quantities for renovation
Supervise renovations of existing boreholes

Monitoring and Documentation:
Gather required baseline and end line data on project interventions
Ensure that the drilling contractor collects and submits required technical data in a timely manner
Carry out frequent field-level monitoring and provide feedback to the WASH programme manager
Provide Monthly Logframe reports/activity reports to the Programme Manager using agreed formats
The jobholder will collect and document all snags on the works and ensure their rectification during the defects period
Ensure that communities are involved in the monitoring of the construction
Ensure that there is an accurate list of all GOAL-funded water points, that they have DWD numbers, GPS coordinates and that they are listed correctly on the WME database
Work in close cooperation with the District water and health authorities to help improve hygiene, water provision, water testing and mapping of water, WUC functionality and recording of hygiene in the District

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
The ideal candidate for the GOAL International WASH Technical Officer- Borehole Construction & Rehabilitation job opportunity should hold a Higher Technical Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering or Water Engineering or related discipline. Certificate in a related discipline with significant experience supervising borehole drilling/well construction can apply. Experience may substitute for qualifications, but not the other way round.
Prior experience in supervising borehole drilling
Demonstrated experience repairing/renovating boreholes
Ability to carry out boreholes assessment and developed bills of quantities
Extensive knowledge of the following community based approaches is an added advantage; CLTS, Sanitation marketing, Hand Pump Mechanics Associations
Knowledge of WHO standards for drinking water quality is desirable
Basic knowledge of potable water tests is an added advantage
Basic knowledge of sources of well contamination and remedial actions
Experience working with international organisations and international NGOs
Ability to communicate in Kiswahili, Lusamya and Lusoga is an added advantage
The ideal person must be hard working, flexible and willing to learn. They must be open to new ideas and able to work under pressure.
Possession of a riding permit (Class A) and ability to ride a motorcycle is required.

How to Apply:
All suitably qualified and interested applicants should send their applications which must include at least 4 reference contacts (2 professional, 2 character references, including your supervisor and the most recent/previous employer), and daytime contact number to; The Human Resource Manager, GOAL Uganda via E-mail to: recruitment@ug.goal.ie

NB: Please do not attach certificates and indicate the Position applied for in the email subject.

Deadline: 7th March 2017
